Birthday Star Maps

The perfect personalised birthday gift that's a reminder of the special moments you've shared.

Wait no longer! It’s time to craft your star map

Personalised Prints

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Accurate Star Map

What makes Maps for Moments the perfect personalised birthday gift?

A personalised birthday star map is a sentimental and meaningful gift that perfectly captures the stars in the sky, just as they were, when that special someone came into the world. By choosing a birthday constellation gift, you’re giving a unique and special memento to remind your loved one that the world changed for the better on the day (or night!) they were born. 

Create your bespoke night sky birthday gift today and celebrate that special someone for all that they are. A personalised star map is a beautiful, lasting gift to celebrate any occasion - whether that’s a birthday, anniversary or a significant milestone. Capture that moment forever, for everyone.

Make them smile with a gift

Create Lasting Memories With a Personalised Birthday Star Map

Add a special touch to the celebration with a Maps for Moments custom star map - a birthday gift that stands the test of time. Our beautifully crafted star maps capture the celestial alignment on the exact date and location of your loved one’s birthday, making it a one-of-a-kind and heartfelt present.

Simply type where and when your loved one was born and the exact configuration of stars will be displayed. To make your star map a birthday gift that’s even more personal, include a message, poem, song lyrics or quote to sit beneath the stars and tweak the design to suit their taste.

How It Works

Our Star Map builder is easy to use. Follow our step-by-step guide to create a personalised Star Map in no time.

1 Design & colour

Design & colour MFM

We have a range of Star Map styles and colours to choose from that suits every taste.

2 Personalise

Personalise MFM

Add your own personal message to the Star Map, and choose the date and location of your choice.

3 Delivery

Delivery MFM

We'll deliver your Star Map in a beautiful presentation box, ready to be framed.

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