Baby Star Maps

The perfect personalised newborn gift that will always remind them of the most important moment of all - when their beautiful new baby was born.

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Accurate Star Map

Welcome the Little One with A Personalised Newborn Star Map

A new baby star map is the perfect gift to hang in the nursery. Give the newest member of your family a warm welcome with a personalised star map that they can keep forever. A Maps for Moment star map delivers a snapshot of the night sky on the day your little star was born, creating a sentimental gift for the parents that commemorates a new baby’s arrival.

Our newborn star maps take a snapshot of the stars in the sky at the exact moment that special first cry was heard.  Each map is crafted to capture the unique alignment of stars on the day or night of the birth, creating a stunning piece of art that represents a very special day.

By choosing a night sky baby gift, you’ll be reminded of the day - or night - the world changed for the better, just for that special baby coming into the world. Create your bespoke constellation baby gift today.

Create your newborn star map

Celestial Nursery Decor That You’ll Love: New Baby Star Map

You can choose from a variety of customisation options to match the nursery decor and gift the parents a unique keepsake that forever reminds them of their baby’s special day. At Maps for Moments, we craft beautiful star maps that present the unique alignment of stars during a magical moment - the ideal personalised newborn gift.

Simply type where and when and the exact configuration of stars will be displayed. To make your night sky baby gift even more personal, include a message, poem, song lyrics or quote to sit beneath the stars and tweak the design to suit their taste.

How it works

Our Star Map builder is easy to use and with our step-by-step
process you’ll have a personalised Star Map in no time.

1 Design & colour

Design & colour MFM

We have a range of Star Map styles and colours to choose from that suits every taste.

2 Personalise

Personalise MFM

Add your own personal message to the Star Map, and choose the date and location of your choice.

3 Delivery

Delivery MFM

We'll deliver your Star Map in a beautiful presentation box, ready to be framed.

Over 2,600+ customer reviews

We have 1,000’s of happy customers, read some of their amazing reviews below.