Anniversary Star Maps

The perfect personalised anniversary gift that never dates - a unique and personal reminder of the special moment two people said “I do”.

Create A Personalised Star Map

Personalised Prints

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Accurate Star Map

Celebrate Love with Our Personalised Anniversary Star Maps

Looking for an anniversary gift? A star constellation print is a wonderful way to immortalise a wonderful wedding and lasting marriage through art that captures a moment in time. Our personalised star maps record the night sky exactly as it was on your wedding day (or a special couple you want to celebrate). By choosing a constellation anniversary gift, you’re reminded of a beautiful day that’s past and a wonderful future that lies ahead. 

With a Maps for Moments personalised star map, you can create timeless memories that display the night sky of your most cherished day shared with loved ones, making it a perfect personalised anniversary gift.

Create Your Star Map Anniversary Gift

Create A Personal and Unique Anniversary Gift

Whether it's your first, tenth or fiftieth anniversary, our star maps make for a truly one-of-a-kind and romantic gesture, commemorating the connection between you and your other half. Give a night sky anniversary gift of everlasting love with a sparkling touch.

Simply type where and when and the exact configuration of stars will be displayed. Why not add a special line or two to your constellation anniversary gift? A heartfelt message, funny quote or sentimental song lyric is the perfect finishing touch to sit beneath your design.

How it works

Our Star Map builder is easy to use and with our step-by-step
process you’ll have a personalised Star Map in no time.

1 Design & colour

Design & colour MFM

We have a range of Star Map styles and colours to choose from that suits every taste.

2 Personalise

Personalise MFM

Add your own personal message to the Star Map, and choose the date and location of your choice.

3 Delivery

Delivery MFM

We'll deliver your Star Map in a beautiful presentation box, ready to be framed.

Over 2,600+ customer reviews

We have 1,000’s of happy customers, read some of their amazing reviews below.