Astrocartography Explained

Astrocartography Explained


Have you ever visited a new city and felt like you belong there? If so, the location could be tied to your birth chart.

Most astrology followers are content with the classic methods of zodiac alignment, such as natal charts and their influence on the spiritual body. However, some followers are interested in other areas of the metaphysical sciences. Many of these delve deeper into astrology and provide whole new ways to read a birth chart. One of these is astrocartography.

In this article, we explore astrocartography in more detail and discuss what it's all about.

What Is Astrocartography?

Also known as locational astrology, astrocartography is a type of astrology that factors the influence of specific locations as they correspond to your birth chart. The science was popularized between the 1930s and 1960s but didn't gain full attention until the late 70s, when the technology to overlay maps of Earth with astrology charts became more accessible.

American astrologer Jim Lewis was a pioneer of astrocartography. In his lifetime, he created over forty maps that are still used by practitioners of astrology today.

The idea behind astrocartography is that our lives are influenced by the location we reside in. Instead of just using our zodiac sign, the science also uses the planetary alignments at the date and time of our birth.

Some practitioners of the science believe we are drawn to specific places at certain times in our lives, or that they'll induce an emotional response when we visit them. This is based on astrological placements in our natal chart. If you've visited a new town, city or country and felt right at home, astrocartography could explain it!

How Exactly Does Astrocartography Work?

The fundamentals of astrocartography seem simple, as all you need is a map and information on the planetary lines at your date and time of birth. While some practitioners use a full world map, others use a smaller area to see more accurate detail.

Things start to get complicated when we look at the guide of planetary lines which has over 40 lines to represent the sun, moon, and planets. If you're new to astrocartography, the key thing to know is the four positions of each planetary line: ascendant, descendant, imuni coeli, and media coeli. The ascendant and descendant lines from the North to South Poles while the Imuni Coeli and Medi Coeli run from East to West.

For an accurate reading, each line should carry a notation that shows the placement of the planet as it is on your natal chart. The lines are referred to as ‘cardinal points', and each one has a specific correlation to your spiritual being.

Ascendant: this line is your personal expression. While on the ascendant, you'll be most influenced by planetary energy.

Descendant: this line is your external influence and indicates how you interact with others.

Imuni Coeli: this line is your true self. It correlates to how you connect with the world.

Medi Coeli: this line is your self-perception. It correlates to how you see yourself in the world.

Unlike other forms of astrology, astrocartography removes the mystical element from the practice and relies on the scientific aspects of geography and astronomy, instead. This means it's less dedicated to our emotions and concentrates on places of significant impact, instead.

If you're wondering if you should push for a promotion at work or ask your boyfriend to move in with you, astrocartography may not be the right fit. However, it can have a meaningful and life-long impact on our whole self.

What Can I Learn from Astrocartography?

There's no doubt that travel affects us; there's a reason so many people explore the world during a meaningful time in their life, such as a breakup, divorce or death in the family. Leaving our old life behind, even for a few months, allows us to reevaluate our true selves and grow beyond the patterns we are stuck in.

When pushed outside of our comfort zone, we experience things that shape and redefine that way we see the world. By using astrocartography, we can maximize the influence that travel will have on our lives by choosing places tailored to our personality and true self.

For instance, if you're looking for universities to apply to, look in the location of your sun ascendant. This location correlates with the discovery of self, emotional growth, and feeling comfortable in your own skin.

As success, acceptance, and prosperity fall under the influence of Jupiter, the location of your Jupiter imuni coeli could be a great place to relocate. Practitioners of the science suggest that you'll feel accepted and welcome in this location.

If you're experiencing creative block, travel to a city that aligns with your Mercury descendant. Astrocartography suggests that this location will stimulate your mind and allow better self-expression.

In Summary

If you're hoping for a fresh start at a meaningful time in your life, or you're looking to reinvigorate certain parts of yourself, astrocartography may be worth perusing. Although the science seems confusing at first, it won't take you long to get the hang of it.

Knowing more about your place in the world could lead to you moving to an exciting new city, starting a course that allows you to flourish, or taking a vacation that changes your perspective on yourself and the world around you.

As with all forms of astrology, astrocartography is another tool you can use in your journey of self-discovery. Unlike other metaphysical sciences, the practice removes the mystical element and uses the scientific aspects of geography and astronomy. This means astrocartography is less dedicated to our emotions, and more about places of significant impact. If this is of interest to you order one of our star constellation maps as seen from the place that is most special to you.

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